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Michael Zbyszynski

Michael Ferriell Zbyszyński is a composer, sound artist, performer, and teacher in the field of contemporary electroacoustic music. Currently, he is a lecturer and researcher in the Department of Computing at Goldsmiths University of London, working machine learning applications for biosignals and live performance. He also worked on the RAPID-MIX project.

Dr. Zbyszyński plays flute, saxophones, clarinet, Yamaha WX-5 (MIDI wind controller), and things made from digitizing tablets, coffee cans and PVC. He has appeared, collaborated, or worked with Respectable Citizen, Mission Delirium, Brass Liberation Orchestra, Roscoe Mitchell, Myra Melford, Frank Gratkowski, HPX Multimedia, the Capacitor Performance Group, the Merce Cunningham Dance Company (the American premier of John Cage´s Ocean 1-95), Frances-Marie Uitti, and David Wessel, as a soloist with the Berkeley Symphony Orchestra, Composers Inc., UC Berkeley Symphony, Cultural Labyrinth, Berkeley New Music Project, and Common Sense Composer´s Collective, and at the Other Minds Festival, the Oregon Bach Festival, the Montréal Jazz Festival, the Center for New Music and Audio Technologies, Cal Arts, UC Santa Barbara, UC San Diego, University of Washington, Reed College,Portland State University, and The Western Front Lodge (Vancouver). His 2006 piece News Cycle #2, created in collaboration with video artist Anthony Discenza, was jointly commissioned by the Getty Center and the Montalvo Arts Center, where they were in residence in 2008. In 2004, Zbyszyński finished a  permanent sound installation at Edgemar in Santa Monica, CA, in collaboration with Hugh Livingston. He has recorded and mixed sound for diverse artists, including Debashish Bhattachaya, Amelia Cuni, Fred Frith, DJ Spooky, and Bertram Turetzky. He can be heard on the ARTSHIP Record Label and is included in the Rhizome Artbase.

Dr. Zbyszyński was Assistant Director of Music Composition and Pedagogy at the University of California Berkleey’s Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT) and has taught at San Francisco State University, University of San Francisco, Mills College, Berklee College of Music and Northeasten University, and was a Faculty Fellow in Music Technology at the University of California, Irvine. In fall 2000, Dr. Zbyszyński earned his Ph.D. in music composition from the University of California, Berkeley, having earned his M.A. in 1996. His doctoral dissertation, Labirynt for saxophone and orchestra, draws on minimalist, spectral, and sonorist musical styles; his primary advisor was Jorge Liderman. In 1998 he was awarded a Fulbright Grant to study at the Akademia Muzyczna w Krakówie, Poland with Zbigniew Bujarski. While in Poland, he composed the string orchestra piece Beneath a Liquid Paper Sky, which was premiered by the Penderecki Festival Orchestra, under the baton of Pawel Przytocki, at the Teatr Wielki in Warsaw. This concert was part of the 40th anniversary celebration of the Polish-American Fulbright Commission, and subsequently aired on TV Polonia 1. In 1992, he received a B.A. in music from New York University, where he studied composition with Louis Karchin and improvisation with Joe Lovano. He participated in the Composers´ Symposium at the 1996 Oregon Bach Festival (studies with John Harbison and Robert Kyr) and the 1998 Académie d´été at Paris´s Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique (IRCAM: studies with Philippe Manoury, Kaija Saariaho, and

Salvatore Sciarrino).

He sometimes refers to himself in the third person. Continue Reading


So far, I’ve made some duck prosciutto. Hoping to move on to a terrine next.

Click here for more info about Charcutepalooza.

short bio

Dr. Michael Zbyszyński is a Researcher Associate in the Department of Computing at Goldsmiths University of London. Playing woodwinds, live electronics, or things made from coffee cans and PVC, he has appeared with Brass Liberation Orchestra, Respectable Citizen, Roscoe Mitchell, Myra Melford, Frank Gratkowski, David Wessel, the Berkeley Symphony Orchestra, the Merce Cunningham Dance Company, Capacitor Performance Group, Frances-Marie Uitti, at the Other Minds Festival, the Oregon Bach Festival, the Getty Center, and the Montréal Jazz Festival, and has been a resident fellow at the Montalvo Arts Center. As a software developer, he has worked at Avid, SoundHound, Cycling ’74, and Keith McMillen Instruments, and as Assistant Director of Pedagogy at UC Berkeley’s Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT). He holds a PhD in composition from UC Berkeley and studied at the Academy of Music in Kraków on a Fulbright Grant. His work has been included in Make Magazine, the Rhizome Artbase, and on the ARTSHIP recording label.

selected publications


This is a little abstraction that could handle the logic for a mixer-style solo button.  It was a bit of a logic puzzle to figure out, although the result is pretty simple.


curriculum vitæ



or smoke signals from burning ancient, malfunctioning CPUs

whatever works for you